Sometimes, circuits go around in a straight loop, but most of the time, they’ll branch somewhere. A circuit that goes in a straight line, so the current has only one path to travel, is called a series circuit. A circuit where the current has a couple choices about where to go is called a parallel circuit. You can also combine the two, like if you have one path with two resistors and another with one.
Series circuits are pretty straightforward. If you have multiple resistances along a path, they’ll add together. Current through a series circuit is constant through all elements. In a parallel circuit, things get a little more complicated. If you have two branches with a 50-ohm resistor in one and a 100-ohm resistor in the other, you don’t have to have the same current down each branch. You have to have identical voltages, though. Think back to the hill analogy – if you go down one hill that’s 3 ft tall and your friend goes down one that’s 10 ft tall, you won’t be able to meet back up again at the end. If you have the same voltage but different resistances, according to Ohm’s Law, the currents have to be different. More current will flow down the path with the least resistance. Remember KCL, though – all the current that goes in the branch has to come out of the branch, too.
What if you want to combine a parallel branch to make it into a series branch? You can definitely do that. Resistances in parallel add in inverse – the total resistance is equal to 1/(sum of 1/each resistance). For example, for our 50-ohm and 100-ohm branches, the total resistance would be 1/(1/50 + 1/100), or 33.3 ohms. In general, parallel branches will decrease your total amount of resistance. Another cool thing about parallel branches is that they’ll prevent your entire circuit from breaking if one element goes out. In a string of Christmas lights, for example, if you lay them out in series and one goes out, the current will be stuck at the breakage and none of the lights will go on. In parallel, though, the current can just go around another way. The single light will go out, but none of the rest will. We’ll be using a combination of parallel and series circuits to implement our projects later on.