Where to find and buy components used in projects on this site. In general, Jameco, Digikey, and Mouser are great for cheap wholesale parts, Radioshack or Fry's are good stores if you need something fast, and Sparkfun and Adafruit have more specialized shields and kits.
Component | Projects Required | Price | Where to Buy | Notes |
Arduino Uno | All projects | $25 | Arduino site, Sparkfun, Adafruit | |
Breadboard | All projects | $3-10, depending on size | Sparkfun, Digikey, Jameco, Mouser | Pay attention to number of points - a standard large breadboard has around 830. |
Jumper Wires | All projects | $5-10, depending on number | Sparkfun, Adafruit, Jameco, Digikey, Mouser | You'll need a LOT of wires - don't shy away from getting hundreds in multiples sizes. |
Resistors | Almost all projects | Very cheap; buy in bulk | Sparkfun, Jameco | You'll need 100, 330, and 10k for sure. Get 1/4 Watt resistors. |
Single-Color LEDs | Blink, Jeopardy, Motion Detector, Keyboard, Stopwatch | Less than 50 cents each - buy in bulk | Sparkfun | Sparkfun is the only site listed because you can buy a pack of multicolored LEDs instead of bulk single-color LEDs. |
RGB LED | Dim the Lights, Mood Light | $2 | Sparkfun, Jameco | Make sure to buy Common Cathode/Ground. |
Pushbutton switch | Jeopardy, Keyboard, Karaoke, Random Drawing Robot, Spinner | 35 cents | Sparkfun | |
Speaker/Piezo Buzzer | Harmonica, Motion Detector, Keyboard, Karaoke, Stopwatch | $2 | Sparkfun, Jameco, Digikey | Get a speaker with 8-ohm impedance. |
Photoresistor | Dim the Lights, Motion Detector | $1.50 | Sparkfun, Jameco, Digikey | |
Potentiometer | Harmonica, Scrolling Message, Karaoke, Stopwatch | $1 | Sparkfun, Adafruit | Get a 10k potentiometer. |
LCD Display | Scrolling Message, Karaoke, Stopwatch | $5-15 | Sparkfun, Adafruit, Jameco, Digikey | Get a 16x2 LCD display. You can also find a nice kit from Adafruit that only uses 2 Arduino pins here. |
Standard Servo Motor | Random Drawing Robot | Normal: $15; Micro: $6 | Sparkfun, Adafruit (micro), Adafruit (normal), Jameco (micro), Jameco (normal) | Make sure you're getting standard and not continuous rotation. Micro and Normal refer to size. |
Temperature Sensor (TMP36) | Mood Sensor | $1.50 | Sparkfun, Adafruit, Jameco, Digikey, Mouser | If you can't find a TMP36, TMP35 or 37 are almost equivalent, just with slightly different math. |
Transistor (PN2222) | Spinner | 10-20 cents | Sparkfun, Adafruit, Jameco, Digikey | If you can't find PN2222, you can use another similar transistor. |
Diode (1N4001) | Spinner | 10-15 cents | Sparkfun, Adafruit, Jameco, Digikey, Mouser | |
DC Motor | Spinner | $3-5 | Adafruit, Jameco, Digikey | Your motor should have an operating range that's closer to 5-10 than 0-5. |