Lightning Last Year by oompa123 (CC-BY)



These resources teach coding in general. Arduino programs are written in Wiring (based on Processing), which is similar to the C++ programming language. For Arduino-specific tutorials, check the Arduino section.
  • Codecademy: You can use Codecademy's tutorials to learn multiple programming languages, including Java, HTML/CSS, Javascript, and more.
  • Fun tutorials that teach kids the basics of coding using Angry Birds and Plants vs. Zombies.
  • Treehouse: Similar to Codecademy, but with more depth and languages included - tutorials cost money.
  • Udemy: An "online learning marketplace" - collection of code courses, some paid, some free.
  • Scratch: One of the most popular resources for beginners - teaches coding through drag-and-drop tutorials.
  • Code Avengers: Similar to Codecademy, but you get to be called an avenger!
  • Girl Develop It: Helps women find coding workshops and classes in their area.
Typing computer screen reflection by Almonroth (CC-BY-SA)

Manipulating Electricity by Storm Crypt (CC-BY-NC-ND)

Hardware and Electrical Engineering

About Arduino

Arduino Uno Unpacked by Nick Hubbard (CC-BY)

Project Ideas

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