A accelerometer measures forces of acceleration, whether from gravity or from the user shaking the device. This means it can tell direction of tilt, rotation, or motion. It's what allows you to control your direction in Doodle Jump when you're playing on your iPhone or what automatically rotates your pictures when you take them horizontally instead of vertically. There are lots of applications for this handy little device. Read on to find out!
This handy security system will go off whenever it's moved. Put it inside a drawer or under your piggy bank to determine who's been messing with your stuff. You can add a custom code to turn off the alarm if you'd like to extend the project.
With this project, you can change the color of an RGB LED by tilting a ball back and forth. It's not a difficult idea, but it leads to interesting results. Think about creating a ring of lights that will change color based on tilt, so the highest point is always blue.
This football has been hacked to include an Arduino and a musical instrument shield that play different notes depending on the tilt. It's a great project to surprise your friends when they just want to play some ball.
Secure your stuff by building a box that can only be unlocked by tilting it in a certain combination of directions. No one will expect such a cunning security device, and it's definitely harder to hack than a keypad combination.