A quadcopter is a remote-controlled helicopter-like device with four rotors. They come in all shapes and sizes and are made of all different types of materials. Quadcopters are everywhere these days, from kid's toys at the mall to Amazon's research on delivering packages straight to customers. Building your own quadcopter is no simple feat, but there's a huge support community to help you out. Whether you opt for using a kit or starting from scratch, you'll find plenty of resources to guide you on your way!
This article covers how to take apart a toy quadcopter and repurpose it to control it yourself. You can read this page, which covers the purpose of the tutorial, to learn more about it. This is a great place to start if you don't want to build an entire quadcopter from scratch.
This site lays out a thorough tutorial for building a quadcopter nicknamed Scout. It uses the Ardupilot board rather than an Arduino board, but the programming platform is the same. The site also has a store so you can buy a kit or separate parts.
Rather than a single build tutorial, this site functions as a forum for a community of users building similar quadcopters with the Aeroquad platform. You'll find a plethora of articles, photos, videos, tutorials, etc. to help you along the way.
This project set out to build a low-cost Arduino quadcopter. Total parts list comes out to about $500. The instructions on the site are a little sparse, but you can email the user for more detailed information.