This simplifies LCD hook-up by providing an LCD and five puhbuttons so you can input menu options straight from your shield. Adafruit also carries one here. This shield is pretty cheap and probably a good investment if you're planning on doing a lot of display projects!
This shield simplifies use of 7-segment displays so you don't have to individually control each segment with a different wire/pin. The actual 7-segment displays aren't included, so you'll have to buy those separately, but the page has links to suggested hardware. These displays are great for clocks, stopwatches, or timers.
LoL stands for Lots of LEDs, and that's basically all this shield is. It comes with a library that helps you get the hang of the basics so you can create fancy shifting patterns. This is a great shield for making simple pictures, and it comes in all different colors. A similar shield is the Adafruit NeoPixel shield, which is similar but with RGB LEDs instead of single-color ones.
This is probably the coolest display screen out there. It has great quality and a resistive touch screen. Adafruit also carries a capacitive touch screen model, and Sparkfun has a slightly larger model of its own.