

  • What it is: These shields allow you to communicate with the outside world using a variety of protocols. If there's some sort of connectivity in existence, there's a shield to get you in touch with it.
  • What it does: Some shields, like the WiFi shields, simply interface with an existing system. Others, like the XBee radios, work more like Bluetooth, depending on proximity and location.
  • How to use it: The software for these shields can get complicated, so make sure you have a good guide before you get started. Protocol to connect to existing networks depends on your system.
LOD Cloud Diagram by Anja Jentzsch (CC-BY-SA)

Types of Connectivity Shields

Image by Arduino

Ethernet Shield:

This shield allows you to plug into an Ethernet port to connect your Arduino to the internet. If you want to power your Arduino with the same Ethernet cable (using PoE, or Power over Ethernet), you'll either need to buy an add-on or just get this shield instead. Adafruit also sells an Ethernet shield that comes with a MicroSD card slot included.

Image by Sparkfun (CC-BY-NC-SA

WiFi Shield:

This allows you to connect wirelessly to the internet using the 802.11 (WiFi) specification. It comes with a MicroSD card slot for storing data. Sparkfun also sells a different model for use with the TI CC3300 WiFi module, and Adafruit has its own model that comes with an antenna for better reception. Once you're online, the possibilities are endless!

XBee Radio Shield:

These shields are configured to work with an XBee chip. XBee functions similarly to Bluetooth, allowing devices close to eachother to communicate wirelessly. This is only useful if you have several devices, shields, and chips - one by itself won't do much. However, put them together, and you can have an Arduino/XBee party!

Image by Sparkfun (CC-BY-NC-SA)

GPS Shield:

As the name implies, this shield allows you to connect to GPS. You'll need to buy the receiver separately. Adafruit's model comes with a MicroSD card slot so you can store the data you're logging for later use.

Image by Sparkfun (CC-BY-NC-SA)

Yahoo Free WiFi by Yahoo (CC-BY)

Project Ideas

  • Weather Station: Download today's weather from the web and output the temperature onto an LCD screen or similar. You can also use the information to change the color of an RGB light or recommend appropriate clothing.
  • Today's News: Find today's top headlines and scroll them across a display. Update at regular intervals so you're never caught unprepared. Can you figure out how to post comments in response to the articles?
  • Hide and seek: Use XBee radios for a digital game of hide and seek. Have one player hide an Arduino and use the other to sense how close or far apart they are. You can have a speaker that beeps at different speeds based on proximity.
  • Treasure Hunt: The GPS module can be used to upgrade your puzzle hunts. When you reach specific coordinates, the GPS module should recognize that you've solved the puzzle and output the next clue onscreen.

Good luck, and have fun!

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